Homework –3rd grade at Azevada Elementary School

Invited students brought their prototypes to the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.

Forward to minute 49
“It’s not about being the best. It is about being better than you were yesterday.”
“You learn more from losing than winning.”
Linked in https://www.linkedin.com/in/miragillet/

Congratulations to our students who competed for the Artemis Launch Viewing at National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2028. Our essays launched on Artemis 1 orbiting the moon.
Congratulations to our students who have been invited to Nationals for the National Invention Convention in Michigan to show their medical devices they engineered. If you were not chosen, keep trying and try again next year. The purpose is not to win. The purpose is to learn. Patent pending.

Small scholarships are available if needed.

Congrats to our CA Merit Winners. We are so proud of you. If you were not chosen, keep trying and try again next year. The purpose is not to win. The purpose is to learn.

Azevada’s (Team of 5) with 3rd grade support won Outstanding Device Performance! 2022– Bay Area Tech Challenge

Full team with 3rd graders tech support (missing 2 people)
See the team on Twitter https://twitter.com/USDFremont/status/1533086172066500609
We got a like on Facebook from the Mayor of Fremont

2021 during Azevada Zoom School https://www.thetech.org/sites/default/files/ttc21_awards_winners_list.pdfGo to 6:30 and 15:30 in the video to see us https://youtu.be/olwE0AiTvlk

Shrey and his little brother made it to Nationals 2021!
Winning Video https://youtu.be/TpRWIiuAYPk

CA Merit State winner Solenne
https://cainventionconvention.org/2021-merit-award-winners https://youtu.be/HKCV-G2d1w
Donacio’s sister got the state merit Award! She made the video. See her name Viva – 7th Grade. https://cainventionconvention.org/2021-merit-award-winners/
8 kids participated this year. https://cainventionconvention.org/2021-california-invention-convention/
See list. https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/artemis_i_official_flight_kit.pdf
If your work is not chosen, rewrite it for next time.

Congrats to Vihaan for placing state and nationals. Congrats to Tanvi.

Alameda County Fair 1st place 2 years in a row by 2 different students and 2nd place in the County Art Fair.
Congrats to one of our inventors for making the cover of the CA Invention Convention and for representing the school during Quarantine. 2020
Congratulations to our students who are published in the National Anthology.

Foldscope photos from Vallejo Mill
Manu Prakash tweeted us! He is a Professor at Stanford School of Medicine, former MIT Professor and the inventor of the portable microscope that fits in your pocket. He is in grey and I am in pink. Click on picture.
click on tweet
Inventing Inventors
Mark Rober with Manu Prakash at 0:38

Condi Rice during Pandemic
Professor Mehran Sahami- Computer Science and Associate Chair at Stanford
On the violin
Piano practice
Lead field officer for Stanford SMILE-tinkering pilot in RWC
2013 listed on 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the World
Bay Area Science Events Calendar
Choose a Design Challenge for extra credit
Echo of Christ Ministries– Mission Team member in Israel, Palestine 2011
Founder, chief director of Peace Game –top voted learning game of DNLE Stanford Ventures
in Mandarin Chinese http://mooc.guokr.com/course/1171/Peace-Game/
Founder, director of Design out of the Box inspired by Stanford d.school and networks
Project Breaker @ Stanford Institute of Design
Lead field officer for Stanford SMILE-tinkering pilot in RYAA and Bayshore Christian, East Palo Alto
MOOC instructor at https://www.openlearning.com/courses/EDU818415
MEd Learning and Technology Masters -Western Governors University
(capstone in Stanford Design Methodology thru Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (d. school) Stanford University)
Professional Certification in Project Management Mastery Stanford University
WOOC MOOC- Workshop on Online Connectivism.
Volunteer for City Team Drug Recovery in the Tenderloin SF- 6th and Mission
Design Judge for Lego Mindstorms Robotics Comp 2011
Design Thinking MOOC 2013 with Cavanaro- Engineering Pathways to Innovation- Certificate
Mentioned in MIT Innovation Contest http://open.media.mit.edu/contest.html
Volunteer Academic Research for DNLE Stanford Venture Labs journal.
Global Team Leader and Student Hall of Fame for DNLE Stanford Ventures
Completion of Crash Course in Creativity with Tina Seelig -Venture Lab top 10 project
B.S. in Design -San Jose State University
Aquarist and Fish Data @ Marine Science Institute Redwood City, CA
This website is not affiliated with Fremont Unified School District.
Creative Commons license (cc) 2013
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