

1001 story rough sketches for changes 1 (link)

scene 8

1. flat





school in the next village


elders discuss

3talkflat done

villagers talk




village meeting

7.walkflat donet

still walking to get water

9.industryflat doney

new well and industries in the village

Source images from

Here are the sources-
free stock-

The Smiths Went to Church & Dinner in a Tanzania Village–tanzania-relations-spring-forward-with-village


Title: – CHANGES –

There was  certain village called Sambu. The village was very small but full of minerals.

Jacob, who lived in the village, was very poor like most people in Sambu, but he was very intelligent,  although he had never been in school.

Jacob had twelve sons, but he favored and loved his eleventh son Joseph the most among his brothers.

One day he called Joseph and said “My son, so many of our children are dying,  the other village has a water well and we have to walk so far for our water.

Some of the children in the village have left to get work and we miss them. Our village is full of wealth but no one can utilize them because no one has

gone to school, so I want to send you to the next village to study.  Then, one day you will be in the position to change our village.”

 Joseph was very happy and promised his father, Jacob, that he would go to school. Since he did not want to disappoint his father,

he went to school and started to study. The rest of the villagers told him, “Why are you sending your son to the next village to study?  Don’t you know that he will

forget his village and betray his culture? You have to get him back and and get him married.”  But Jacob told them,  ” I know what am doing. Just wait and see. Joseph will help us.”

Joseph studied and completed his secondary education. Years past and when he came back to the village, he

told his father Jacob to gather the whole village because he would be leading a meeting.

The elders, some who were also Joseph’s elder brothers, agreed and informed the rest. Joseph started the meeting by saying, ” Our village is full of wealth but we are still suffering

because we don’t know how to utilize it, so I would like to advice you, my elders and brothers, to build our own school and start educating our children, and believe me, our life will change completely.”

Some agreed but some started to tell his father Jacob,

“We warned you about Joseph! Look at what he his doing now.  We never had school and we didn’t die so why go to school?”

Life went on as usual.


Then one day the first elder’s child became sick and there was fear the little boy was dying.  Because Joseph was educated and was faithful to God, he was able to care for the boy and saved his life from

malaria with proper medicine. Then Joseph brought in bed nets with mosquito repellent to protect all the children in the village. The first elder realized that Joseph’s education could help

the village, but did nothing because so many elders were jealous of  Joseph.


Several months passed. The village woke up to the second elder’s daughter was missing! Later, the village found out some men had offered the daughter a job, but she had been tricked and sold to other men to become a  servant by force in a strangers house. Because Joseph was educated and was faithful to God, he was able to investigate the situation, and  found  a free-of-charge helpline to call to report the children’s rights violations had occurred. He found the daughter and brought her home.

The second  elder realized that Joseph’s education could help the village, but did nothing, because so many elders were jealous of Joseph.


Again, several months had passed when the third elders’ child was attacked while making the long journey to bring water to the village.  There has been an increase in attacks on people

to steal their body parts, which can be sold in the black market and are used in witchcraft. Because of Joseph’s education and his faithfulness to God, he was able to stop more attacks from occurring by

making sure children do not walk alone. The third elder realized that Joseph’s education could help the village. He consulted with the first and second elders and brothers who decided it was finally

time to use Joseph’s knowledge to improve the village.


Joseph proved to them many good reasons to go to school. Since he had graduated and went back to his village,  he helped the village by finding investors from different countries.
It was discovered there was a wealth of mineral extraction! Tanzania has vast amounts of minerals including gold, diamonds, coal, iron, uranium, nickel, chromium, tin, platinum, coltan, niobium, natural gas, and others. Tanzania is one of the biggest producers of gold in the world and the country is also known for Tanzanite, a type of precious gemstone that is found only in Tanzania.

People invested and built a well for clean water and many industries such as a school, church, care center for the sick,  crops for food, building material, and other industries needed for a thriving, healthy community.


The elders and brothers congratulated Joseph, and his father Jacob also was very proud for him. The villagers realized what Joseph was doing and started taking their children to school!


As the years passed, the village life changed completely. Joseph got married to Asenath, the daughter of Potiphar, and started his own family, and he was also selected to be a village leader.

By then, his father Jacob had become older and died a happy death, because his hearts desire was fulfilled.






an you do illustration for hand drawing and painting?

Currently, our artists work on 100% original hand painting.
When I work with an artist, I work on one story for 2.5~3 month with an artist to produce 12 separate paintings for each story.
In addition, there are many steps of reviews to make sure the artist and seeds art managers are all on the same page.
Here is the process:
1. Artists come up with 12-15 pages of rough sketches.
2. Each sketch must contain enough space for texts to be added later.
3. All scanned rough sketches are reviewed together with other artists.
4. Once comments are shared, the artist make changes to sketches and finalize sketches.
5. All finalized sketches are reviewed again with other artists.
6. Make final changes to sketches if needed.
7. The artist color one sketch as a sample for review
8. More ideas are shared regarding final coloring plans.
9. The rest of the sketches are colored for final review.
* Each image size is 40 X 50 cm  or  30 x 40 cm
The artwork for the 4 stories have gone through this rigorous process.
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