Week 12

I will be at school- Monday- Wed at 10. You can also drop off school library books, school computers at this time, and collect red bags, art school pictures, etc. Please let me know if you are coming. Otherwise, I will give the items to their 4th grade teacher or hold them for pick up in August. Lost and found will be open if there is something missing. 

Last drop off time is Thurs, June 11 at 10 but please let me know so I can meet you at school or call the office to see if they are open.

Parent resources on Social Emotional Learning- Racism. 

Jessica Ng letter 12


Optional Zoom Schedule Week 12


Complete SBAC practice test in Think Central or do it on paper if you can’t get in (Smarter Balance Book pg SB95-SB104).  No Zoom- I will be in the classroom working on report card comments with no grades. Report cards will be electronic, not on paper. 

Tuesday – 

Submit Benchmark reading test 8 or do Read Theory if you can’t get in.

No Zoom- I will be in the classroom collecting library books and computers. 


Ms. Gillet – 1:00-End of the Year Zoom Party


Thursday Text me if you are meeting me at school at 10.

Kids, send me an email on how you have been getting stronger.


Dear Parents and Scholars,

Thank you for helping us throughout the year and for helping get to the end of the year. 

I am hoping that Think Central and Lexia 4th grade  will be open for summer. If not, summer optional work can be done on Khan Academy and Read Theory. www.readtheory.org Try to get 4th grade 3 times in a row. 

Fremont Main Library has a No Contact Pickup Service


More audio books

Please join Ms. I’s Library Google Classroom

Code  tars3ou


Ideas for Summer

Check Azevada website

Review your multiples every day.

Math Playground geometry and fractions games are so fun!


Khan Academy code- R6HZGH45

Reminder- Epic audio


Code qcg4841

Listen to books that are too hard for you to read.

Library Google Classroom


Free online tutors from FUSD/ FUSS 


Become a chess champion.

Audio word lists- choose a list that will make you stronger


Check our Google Classroom code


More Over Summer- read hard books, P.E., practice music, coding,  and imagination.

Typing is the expected skill for writing. See typed work from our class -All Stars School Newsletter which is published on our school website.

Try No Red Ink for writing. Class code is common key 40.

Class name is- 3rd grade AzevadA 2020


Kids can post (on Google Classroom) what they are doing during the summer with parent permission.

Brainpop –https://www.brainpop.com/math/

Stay away from strangers on the internet. Follow Safety Guidelines

Optional read- Use www.rewordify.com for comprehension

Or Read Newsela class code https://newsela.com/ AHTSTG


Download Google Classroom App to get in.

Log in with your username plus @ fusdk12.net

Class code – hnulc2b

Word study Audio- choose the next word list


Just listen. Don’t look at the screen.

Or- Review our old vocab words. 


Continue Math on Khan Academy Log in | Khan Academy

Class code R6HZGH45. Please create a new account if you can’t get in. Then connect it to me later.

or Zearn

Make dinner with recipes using fractions and/or multiplication

 Optional Free audio books stories.audible.com,

Tips- if your child is watching a TV, mute sound so they have to read.

Travel the world through https://www.google.com/streetview/

Summer Math Unit

Optional Unit 5 Quiz/Practice Test finish

Optional End of June Unit 5 Post-test

Topic- word problems

Parents need to enforce safety protocol to protect students

from inappropriate material online.

Social/Emotional Resources

Stay healthy and exercise! 

See Azevada’s school website.

Review your multiples every day.

Reading your Social Studies orange workbook.

Benchmark Unit 9 on Money  and 10 on Forces

4th grade vocab audio lists- 3rd grade is there also.


Zearn 4th grade after finishing 3rd. 

Continue Audio books at a higher level. Epic has Science books

Chess, Art, Music, Exercise, Inventions

Complete Science workbooks

Cook for your parents.

Help them digitize old photographs.

Join Ms. I’s Google Classroom for more books.

More Reading Apps

Resources for Parents: 

  • This article, “Rubbing Off,” by Allison Briscoe-Smith explains how kids learn about race—and how their parents can foster tolerance.

Here are some guides for talking with children about the racism that Black Americans experience. These can be used to talk to your 4th grader or even your 1st grader! The creators of these resources are in the process of making a guide for Black families and it should be available soon. *Please note that these guides are only available to purchase. I am sharing them as a possible resource for parents to help have conversations about race with their children. 

  • A guide for white families to talk about racism with their children: 

“Your kids are exposed to racism all of the time, whether or not you’ve ever labeled it for them. They see unfair things happening and they hear racist comments. Giving them the tools and vocabulary they need to recognize it and speak up about it will help them feel empowered to be a part of the solution and show a Black friend, stranger, or classmate that they can depend on your child to be an ally.”

  • A guide for non-Black families of color to talk with their children about racism: 

“Black, Indigenous, and other people of color also face discrimination and racism. We recognize that. This book is focused around equipping your children to understand that as well as the racism that affects the Black community.” 

Books for Children: 

  • The book website Epic has a collection of books celebrating Black culture. If you signed up for remote access to Epic with me earlier in distance learning, your child will have access to this.


Mrs. Gillet