Week 9

Dear Parents and Scholars,

I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day filled with lifelong memories.

Since SIP is extended, some of the kids have zoom study partners in our class. Please consider giving your child permission to have a zoom study partner. 

Answers to the fraction math pages are in Google Classroom. Pages 369 to 385. 

Optional Find ways to inspire others. Example- Write a letter to someone you know in the medical field, take a picture, and with parent permission, send it to them.  Decorate your front window or door with encouraging words and/or art. Write a paragraph on how you inspire others and put it in Google Classroom and the student school newsletter for May.

Idea-Become a chess champion.

Audio word lists- choose a list that will make you stronger


Jessica letter 7


For SBAC practice without the answers.

http://www.caaspp.org Log in as guest and go to 3rd grade.

Since there are some students who are just now reading the emails, some of this is repetition for others. 

As soon as you are ready……..

Start SBAC equivalent practice test in Think Central

Do Geometry Practice in Think Central

Do a reasonable amount of work in-

Khan Academy or math workbook Geometry section of Math Expressions volume 2 starting on page 315.

Deeply Analyze Weather Benchmark reader

Vocab Wordly Wise audio/epic books- close your eyes and listen

Get to Level 14 in Lexia, Benchmark annotating

Read hard books

Write for the student school newsletter.


Check our Google Classroom

Ask questions during Zoom or text me.

Reminder-Assignments are for strengthening skills. We can still take an optional end of the year math test that is similar in Think Central.

The only assignments that are expected are Lexia, study Geometry, Benchmark reading test on Weather, Science, reading hard books, P.E., and imagination.

You are welcome to pick up your child’s belongings and learning material on Wednesdays from 10 to 11. Let me know. 

Typing is the expected skill for writing. Please consider sending me your best typed writing for the All Stars School Newsletter which will be published on our school website.

Students can choose from their writing of a summary paragraph of what they read, learned, or did EACH day. Since there are 40 days of school, there will be 40 paragraphs in one Google doc. They can email me the Google doc. I will explain during Zoom.

Try No Red Ink for writing. Class code is common key 40.

Class name is- 3rd grade AzevadA 2020


Informational Reading

It would be best if they read informational books for the rest of the year. The remaining 3 reading tests are on information. 

They may read any part of their Benchmark reader they wish.

Our school newsletter will be finalized on May 15 and published May 23. If your writing and art is not in it, revise it for the June edition.

Mr. Waller’s Google Classroom   

Science Work needs to be uploaded into Science Google Classroom. https://azevada-fusd-ca.schoolloop.com/pf4/cms2/view_page?d=x&group_id=1571469301038&vdid=i18qf25foetr2ww 

Password is lyg3pgs

P.E. Google Classroom to show evidence of exercise.


Class code lp4s3lg

Remember to exercise!

Walk and Learn! https://www.thewalkingclassroom.org/our-program/sample-educational-podcasts-learning-at-home/

Optional-Please send me your best typed writing, tips, jokes, interviews, etc, through Google Classroom for our student school newsletter

Writing ideas


If you do not have the material, the same/ similar material can be  accessed in Benchmark, Khan Academy, Zearn, Think Central, Lexia, Google Classroom, Science Google Classroom, P.E. Google Classroom, Wordly Wise vocab audio, Epic Audio,  Typing.Com, cursive videos, musictheory.net, etc.

Optional- math art

Draw with Time for Kids.


Brainpop -https://www.brainpop.com/math/

I am hoping everyone is enjoying their practice of music, art, reading hard books, writing, or working on inventions/projects. www.musictheory.net

Our Google Classroom is a great place to show progress. 

Remember to study for your math Geometry test Unit Test 6 and informational reading Test Unit 8 by May 30.

Equal fraction video 


Optional-Math Playground has 3rd grade math games.

Optional-Make a time capsule book that can be used as a primary source for historians.

Thanks to Neo and his mom for finding this-


Optional Virtual Field trips https://www.ports-ca.us/?fbclid=IwAR1z1_v_HIE1m9LTxXTwtg3sbMqz5cZ32AaPyHXcZ-bbAHGT7N7xyFo-Mzg


Every Friday from 11 to 12 – Math Science Nucleus will have Zoom Virtual Field trips.

Go to our Google Classroom to find the links.  


Reading Tests in Benchmark

Students can study their reader in Benchmark before taking the test.

Benchmark Unit 8 test- Finish around May 30.


Log in with Clever

Note- This link seems to only work on computers, not smartphones.

Start Reading Unit 8 Weather in Benchmark.

Math Work  All deadlines are flexible. ThinkCentral Math. It will get you ready for the SBAC. 

Geometry Unit 6 Test- finish around May 30.

Password- math3

Topic- geometry

Paper Practice Test starting on page 361


Remember you don’t have to do everything on this schedule.

If possible (to stay on track)

Lexia, reading, exercise, science, studying for the SBAC, and writing in your journal.

Stay away from strangers on the internet. Follow Safety Guidelines

Optional read- Use www.rewordify.com for comprehension

New Benchmark Unit 8 Activities Calendar

Essential Question- How can we predict the unknown?

Annotate in your reader, or read it in Benchmark and annotate in your journal.

8:00 am Good Morning!

8:30- Watch Ms.I read you a different story. 

Write a summary paragraph to put on Google Classroom and consider entering it into the student school newsletter.

Highly recommended:  coding, music, cooking, and being creative. 

8:45 Write a paragraph in your journal, type it and post into Google Classroom.

See link to give you more writing  ideas


Or Read Newsela class code https://newsela.com/ AHTSTG

Use https://rewordify.com/ to help comprehension.

Write a summary paragraph and revise.

Type your writing and paste it into Google Classroom


Download Google Classroom App to get in.

Log in with your username plus @ fusdk12.net

Class code – hnulc2b

9:00 Silent Reading in book or Read Aloud about 3 hard words per page- Annotate.

Word study Audio- choose the next word list


Just listen. Don’t look at the screen.

Or- Review our old vocab words. 

9:30 Recess and bathroom break

9:45 Start Geometry in Math Workbook

Volume 2 Unit 6 or Khan Academy 

Take a look at the SBAC equivalent test in Think Central. Start it when you are ready. 

Save questions for one- on- one or small group

10:15 Science -See Science Google Classroom.


Password is lyg3pgs

11:00- 11:45 

 Practice writing, typing, and cursive.  Communicate with others in the class with parent permission.

11:45 https://dragonbox.com/

To replace Kahoot games

Continue Math on Khan Academy Log in | Khan Academy

Class code R6HZGH45. Please create a new account if you can’t get in. Then connect it to me later.

or Zearn

12:35 Lunch- Dance

12:35 Be Creative/ Art or Music

Show your new skill or talent in our Google Classroom.

1:35 Reflect and Write or Lexia

2:25 Study for Friday Math Quiz in Khan Academy- Shapes, word problems.

Record yourself reading vocab words. Play the recording and spell those words on paper. Correct your answers.

Homework- Study for SBAC- ask your parents if you can Zoom each other to study.

Exercise for an hour with Walk and Learn, 

Read your book.

Make dinner with recipes using fractions and/or multiplication

Write down the math in the recipe to show us tomorrow. Remember to double the amounts for leftovers

Free time- cuddle with your parents. Parents- read books to your kids that are too hard for them to read on their own.

 Optional Free audio books stories.audible.com,

Tips- if your child is watching a TV, mute sound so they have to read.

Travel the world through https://www.google.com/streetview/

Have a great night! 


End of May 

Benchmark test on Weather

Unit 6 Quiz/Practice Test finish

End of May, Unit 6 Post-test

Topic- Geometry

SBAC practice test

End of May

SBAC Post test

End of May

Topic- Overview of the entire year


Unit 5 Quiz/Practice Test finish

End of June Unit 5 Post-test

Topic- word problems

May- focus on writing

Reading Tests in Benchmark

End of May Unit test 8 Test science reading on weather/climate

Essential Question- How can we predict the unknown?

End of June Unit 9 test on managing time and money

Essential Question- What do our economic choices tell us about ourselves?

End of June Unit 10 Forces for Summer

Catch up on unfinished work. 

Lexia to level 14. All of Khan Academy 3rd grade

Parents need to enforce safety protocol to protect students

from inappropriate material online.

Zoom call on M W F only cut down screen time.

Kids can show their music practice, art work, etc., during Zoom.

Math quiz/Practice test every Friday.

Take Math Post-test when you feel ready.

Reading test at the end of every month.

Post your cooking lesson (with math measures) video to Google Classroom

All deadlines are flexible.

Try healthy meals on a budget. Divide amounts, weight, measures, and add up the prices. 



Social/Emotional Resources

Stay healthy and exercise! 

Sincerely, Ms. Gillet

Science Zoom with Ms. Johnson( Science Teacher)

Wed 11:30 – noon

Link for Google Meeting 


If you can’t get in, message me and we will do a zoom meeting at 12.

Regular Optional Zoom Schedule

Monday Ms. Gillet 11:30

Tuesday Science teachers 11:30


Wed Ms. Gillet – 1:00 because I will be at school to meet parents from 10 to 11.